PIC Microcontroller: Learn By Building Practical Projects
PIC Microcontroller: Learn By Building Practical Projects
>>> Learning by theory and Simulation is only half the answer, but connecting, wiring and burning a code to an actual Microcontroller, not a simulated one is the other more important half, and this is what we will cover in this course, you will learn by making PIC Microcontroller Practical Projects. <<<
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More Than 800 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!
What students are saying:
- Nathan Johnnie says, "It is a great course; well done. "
- Mike D. says, "Excellent delivery, full of useful information, already started making my first motion detector, many thanks to you "
Welcome to this course.
- Learning By doing is what makes the difference between someone who learn and someone who applies what he learned
- In this course you will get the chance to see PIC Microcontroller in Action, starting from simulation and moving forward to connecting the hardware and testing the code in real life.
- This will help you make sure your circuit works as expected and you can witness yourself building your first PIC Microcontroller Project fully functional.
- The most important thing to note here is that when a circuit work with you in simulation, that doesn’t mean that it will work in real life, in more than 85% of the cases the simulated circuit doesn’t work when you connect it.
What is the best way to Learn, you ask?
- Learning by doing PIC Microcontroller Practical Projects is the learn by practice approach that I prefer
- This approach allows you to not only master new PIC Microcontroller skills but also gain practical knowledge along the way.
- Only a few people are satisfied with simulation, but if you want good results you must move on and hook up your circuit and test it out using real-life hardware parts.
- I'm trying to help you gain real world practical experience in PIC Microcontroller, so let's start.
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